1.School of Economics and Management, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao Hebei 066004, China 2.Collaborative Innovation Center for Port Industry Development in Coastal Areas, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao Hebei 066004, China 3.School of Software and Micro-electronics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:Regional green logistics is an essential element to promote the green development of logistics industry, and a key target and breakthrough point to achieve regional high-quality development and industrial advancement. By using the fsQCA method and selecting 30 provinces (cities) in China as research objects, the study explores the multiple coexisting causal relationships and various realization ways of regional green logistics in the context of high-quality development from the perspective of configuration. The result verifies that the impact of various elements of high-quality development on regional green logistics shows multiple concurrency and geographical differences. Among them, there are four driving paths which falls into three types that propel high level regional green logistics, with innovation as the key driving force; the constraining paths that lead to non-high-level regional green logistics include five paths, which are classified into two types, with the synergy between innovation and green development having significant influence. Therefore, to improve the level of regional green logistics, we should comprehensively enhance the logistics innovation capability in all aspects like technology, capital and talents, strengthen the multi-dimensional interaction between innovation and green development in terms of resources, environment and ecology, and formulate differentiated improvement policies based on different situations in different regions.
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