摘要 作为实现“双碳”目标的“1+N”政策体系之一的绿色投融资是中国低碳经济和可持续发展的重要内容和实现“双碳”目标的重要推动力。通过梳理1990-2021年间收录在Web of Science数据库和中国知网(简称CNKI)的绿色投资文献,可以展示该研究领域的研究轨迹、研究热点和发展趋势。研究发现:30年来绿色投资发文量和研究主题与全球有关气候环境方面的重大协议是同步跟进的,切实回应了有关绿色转型和可持续发展重大现实问题;研究的重点和热点集中在绿色投资内涵、绿色投资作用机理和应用领域等方面,有关“中国”以及“一带一路”的绿色投资问题受到前所未有的关注;绿色投资的研究演进过程呈现出从外生性到内生性,从合规性到战略性,从对环境被动的风险规避到主动的社会责任承担和金融产品创新的积极发展态势。未来研究应更多立足国情,加强多学科融合,多维度诠释绿色投资作用机理及发展逻辑,关注人类命运共同体视域下的绿色投资新问题。
Abstract:As a part of the “1+N” policy systems to achieve the “dual-carbon” goal, green investment is an indispensable part of China’s low-carbon economy and sustainable development and an important driving force for the realization of the “dual-carbon” goal. By sorting out English literatures on green investment included by the Web of Science database and CNKI between 1990 to 2021, the study summarizes the trajectory, hotspots and development trends in this research field. The results show the following findings: (1) During the past three decades, the number of publications and research themes on green investment have witnessed a trend that synchronized with major global agreements on climate and environment, and effectively responded to major practical issues of green transformation and sustainable development. (2) The research focuses and hotspots mainly concentrate on the connotation, mechanism and application fields of green investment. What’s more, green investment concerning “China” and the “Belt and Road” have received unprecedented attention. (3) The research of green investment shows a positive development trend that evolves from exogenous to endogenous study, from compliance to strategic study, and from passive risk avoidance to active social responsibility commitment and financial product innovation study. It is suggested that future research should base more on national conditions, strengthen multidisciplinary integration, interpret the mechanism and development logic of green investment from multiple dimensions, and pay more attention to new issues of green investment from the perspective of a community with a shared future for mankind.
郭捷, 刘相汝, 朱璧和. “双碳”目标下的绿色投资:文献述评与研究展望[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 23(1): 105-113.
GUO Jie, LIU Xiang-ru, ZHU Bi-he. Review and Prospect of Green Investment Research under the “Dual Carbon” Goal. journal6, 2024, 23(1): 105-113.
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