High-Quality Development of the Belt and Road with Support from International Cooperation of Digital Economy
ZHANG Hui1, ZHANG Ming-zhe2,3
1.School of Economics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 2.Postdoctoral Workstation, China Everbright Group, Beijing 100033, China 3.School of Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
Abstract:At present, the global digital economy has formed a development paradigm of coexistence of competition and cooperation. China actively promotes international cooperation in the digital economy. Correctly understanding and adapting to the new situation of digital economy in countries along the Belt and Road is the prerequisite for China to promote high-quality development of the Belt and Road and deepen international cooperation of digital economy. Based on the digital economy development level index of the countries along the Belt and Road, this paper analyzes the development status of the digital economy along the Belt and Road through comparative research. The results shows that the level of digital governance, the construction of digital infrastructure and the application of digital technology are three main factors that lead to differences in the development of digital economy along the Belt and Road. In the future, China should attach great importance to digital economy cooperation of key regions, deepen the connectivity of digital infrastructure along the Belt and Road, push forward more enterprises in the field of digital economy to go overseas, and share development dividend of digital economy with other countries.
张辉, 张明哲. 数字经济国际合作助力共建“一带一路”高质量发展[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, 22(4): 1-10.
ZHANG Hui, ZHANG Ming-zhe. High-Quality Development of the Belt and Road with Support from International Cooperation of Digital Economy. journal6, 2023, 22(4): 1-10.
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