The Co-evolution of Technology and Institution to Promote the Modernization of Transportation Governance Capacity: A Vertical Case Study
XIANG Peng-cheng1,2, GAO Lu1, JIA Fu-yuan1
1.School of Management Science and Real Estate, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045,China
2.Construction Economics and Management Research Center, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045,China
Abstract:Taking the evolution and changes of China’s national expressway ETC as a longitudinal case and based on the theory of the relationship between technology and institution, this paper studies the underlying logic and promotion path of China’s transportation development. It is found that the profound transformation of China’s transportation industry is neither the results of technical empowerment nor that of institutional empowerment under traditional linear thinking mode, but the modernization of China’s transportation governance capacity with the co-evolution of technology and institution. That is, decision makers can construct the path of technological development based on the existing institution, organization, rules, experience and cognition, while technology makes the institutional change possible, with both sides interacting with each other and selecting each other. To further improve the modernization of transportation governance capacity, we should not only dig the potential of technology for organizational adjustment and institutional reform, but also strengthen the role of institution for choice, regulation and guidance of technological development, and more importantly, accelerate the pace of building a country with strong transportation network with the co-evolution of technology and institution.
向鹏成, 高璐, 贾富源. 技术与制度协同演化与我国交通运输治理能力现代化[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 23(1): 96-104.
XIANG Peng-cheng, GAO Lu, JIA Fu-yuan. The Co-evolution of Technology and Institution to Promote the Modernization of Transportation Governance Capacity: A Vertical Case Study. journal6, 2024, 23(1): 96-104.
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