From Technology M&A to Independent Innovation: The Evolution Mechanism and Path
CUI Yong-mei1, YANG Ting-yu1, LI Rui2, LV Jia-yu1
1.School of Economics and Management,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China
2.School of Economics and Management, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang Jiangxi 330013, China
Abstract:Taking ambidextrous innovation as theoretical perspective, and applying case study method of the grounded theory, this paper explores the evolution path and mechanism of technology M&A into independent innovation and examines the innovation performance. The results show that the evolution of technology M&A into independent innovation follows the three-stage path of “secondary innovation in the technology screening period--integrated innovation in the technology transfer period--original innovation in the technology reconstruction period”. The innovative application of technology is realized through exploitive innovation, the innovative transition of technology is realized through exploratory innovation, and the ambidextrous innovation enables independent innovation. Therefore, technology M&A is not totally exclusive to independent innovation. Enterprises can achieve technology accumulation through technology M&A, and cultivate the ability of ambidextrous innovation so as to gradually evolve into independent innovation.
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CUI Yong-mei, YANG Ting-yu, LI Rui, LV Jia-yu. From Technology M&A to Independent Innovation: The Evolution Mechanism and Path. journal6, 2023, 22(4): 76-86.
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