Abstract:The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the value chain of firms such as product development, operation, and marketing is changing the mechanism and path of the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry. Centering around how AI can promote transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry through its influence on product innovation, and based on the existing literature, this paper extracts core innovative features of AI that differs from other digital technology, analyzes its influence mechanism, and through cross-level analysis framework of AI’s influence on individual, enterprises, and industry, puts forward a conceptual model of adaptive change about AI’s influence on transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry from the perspective of product innovation, discusses mechanism and path of AI’s influence on adaptive transformation of manufacturing through product innovation, and draws the following conclusions: (1) the new social subject, generativity, and mutability of knowledge accumulation constitute AI’s three core innovation features, which distinguish it from other digital technologies; (2) AI engages in product planning, structural engineering, and other development processes, which changes or enhances the product development mindset of human intelligence and expands the knowledge boundaries of product development; (3) AI strengthens the real-time interaction and adjustment of the whole value chain including product innovation and operation, marketing and retailing, which builds an adaptive mechanism that balances the conflict between manufacturing-oriented agility and user-oriented agility, leading to the emergence of adaptive intermittent transformational path through the rapid adaptive adjustment in the manufacturing industry.
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