Development of Arctic Shipping Route in the Belt and Road: Driving Forces, Trends and China’s Response Strategies
LAN Qing-xin1, ZHANG Xin-ping2
1.Center for BRICS Studies, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029, China 2.International Business Strategy Institute, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract:With global warming optimizing the development conditions of the Arctic shipping route, and against the backdrop of increased uncertainty in global trade due to the turbulence of the international situation, China and Russia are jointly building the “Polar Silk Road” and developing a new international shipping channel with the Arctic shipping route, which will be a new path for China to break the economic blockade. At present, the Arctic shipping route has begun to take shape in terms of ports, ships, cargo transport, shipping system, etc. China and Russia have laid a solid foundation for international transport cooperation in the Arctic shipping route. While China is encountering significant opportunities to open up a new channel for foreign economic and trade exchanges, it also faces multiple challenges such as downturn in the international shipping market, large fluctuation in the cost of Arctic shipping route voyage, poor investment environment in the Russian Arctic region, urgent ecological environment protection in the Arctic, and inadequate Arctic governance system. Therefore, China should actively participate in the construction of Arctic shipping route infrastructure, establish a targeted investment risk management system, participate in Arctic ecological and environmental management projects, and promote the establishment of a sounder Arctic governance mechanism, with a view to improving quality and efficiency of Arctic development and strengthening China’s role in the Arctic development process.
蓝庆新, 张心平. “一带一路”北极航道开发:动力、趋势及中国应对[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 23(3): 35-49.
LAN Qing-xin, ZHANG Xin-ping. Development of Arctic Shipping Route in the Belt and Road: Driving Forces, Trends and China’s Response Strategies. journal6, 2024, 23(3): 35-49.
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