Abstract:Based on the panel data of 280 cities at prefecture-level and above in China from 2011 to 2019, this paper systematically explores the impact and mechanism of digital economy on carbon emissions from the factor role shift perspective. By constructing the moderating effect model, the moderating effect of digital economy on the three main carbon emission factors of population, economy and technology is empirically tested, and the threshold heterogeneous effect of technological progress in the process of digital driven emission reduction under SFA measurement method is further investigated. The study reveals the following findings: First, the relationship between digital economy and carbon emissions still follows an EKC curve. Second, the impact of digital economy on carbon reduction has a late-mover disadvantage of diminishing marginal returns. Non-mega cities and the last three tier cities will become difficult and pain points of digital-driven emission reduction in the future. Third, although the development of urban digital economy can significantly improve the positive correlation between traditional economic factors, demographic factors and carbon emissions, it triggers a rebound effect of technological factors. Fourth, technological level plays a “double threshold” role in the emission reduction effect of digital economy. Therefore, the government should accelerate the transformation of energy structure, promote the construction of city clusters and smart cities, strengthen the digital transformation of industries and cultivate digital talents, and actively promote the carbon trading system in order to help achieve the “double carbon” goal.
陈镜宇, 李卫东, 刘延平, 武冰玉. 数字经济、要素作用转变与城市碳排放 ——基于调节效应和门槛效应的检验[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 23(2): 137-151.
CHEN Jing-yu, LI Wei-dong, LIU Yan-ping, WU Bing-yu. Digital Economy, Factor Role Shift and Urban Carbon Emissions: Based on the test of moderating and threshold effect. journal6, 2024, 23(2): 137-151.
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