Abstract:Public arts education, as an integral part of higher education, plays a pivotal role in the holistic development of university students. It cultivates innovative spirit, trains creative thinking, and unlocks innovative potential. From an economic perspective, economic development propels artistic progress, which in turn, stimulates economic prosperity. Hence, the economic effects of arts education are a critical subject that educators should pay attention to. Drawing upon theories and research abroad, the economic effects of public arts education and its transmission mechanisms can be analyzed from both micro and macro perspectives, as well as from direct and indirect dimensions, thereby establishing a systematic theoretical framework for analysis. At the micro-level, public arts education, as an investment in creative human capital, can enhance individuals’ employability and cultural arts consumption capacity in the creative economy era through cognitive effects, health care effects, affective-behavioral effects, and aesthetic demand effects. At the macro-level, public arts education can facilitate the development of the cultural and creative industries from both supply and demand sides. It can also unleash consumption potential, expedite industrial upgrading, and achieve regional economic development while accelerating the realization of returns on creative human capital by promoting integrative innovation between science and art, fostering the incubation of diverse talents, and improving the socio-cultural environment. Strengthening public arts education in higher education institutions to fully leverage its economic impact, is both a natural choice for the evolution of higher education in the new era and an entirely new exploration in driving high-quality economic development. Universities should fully understand and acknowledge the economic effects of public arts education and reinforce top-level design, innovate the content and form of public arts education so as to establish educational systems that encourage students to “go global”, and focus on building a diverse and cutting-edge faculty by “bringing in” expertise.
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ZHENG Bin. On the Economic Effect of Public Arts Education from the Perspective of Creative Human Capital: A Literature-Based Discussion. journal6, 2024, 23(2): 152-161.
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