Abstract:Urban agglomerations are a symbol of maturity and the highest form of spatial organization for cities in a region that have reached a certain stage of development. In the new stage, urban agglomerations in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are developing rapidly and holding a prominent position in the national economic and social development layout. The intensity of economic flow reflects the degree of interrelation between cities and is one of the important quantitative indicators of the degree of synergy in urban agglomeration. This study, based on the formula of gravity and the latest city panel data of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, calculates the total intensity of economic flow and the three industrial economic flow intensity, and compares the variable factors affecting the economic flow intensity. It reveals that the urban agglomeration in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is characterized by “dual core, both ends”, the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration presents “single core, multi-center and C-type belt”, while the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration shows the morphological characteristics of “multi-center and networking”. Therefore, centering around the influence variables in the gravity model and drawing on the development experience of the Yangtze River Delta region and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration, this article puts forward the following suggestions: The coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration needs to form “multi-centered” spatial structure, further give play to the radiation role of the core city, promote quantitative and qualitative “GDP” development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region urban agglomeration, further optimize regional industrial structure, promote the orderly “population” factor mobility in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region urban agglomeration, further deepening the reform of human resources, realize the “traffic” vertical and horizontal integration in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region urban agglomeration, further build network traffic system, so as to realize high quality, high level and comprehensive coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, and provide new kinetic energy for building world-class urban agglomeration.
李砚忠, 苗源源. 基于引力模型的京津冀城市群协同发展比较研究[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 21(3): 78-91.
LI Yan-zhong, MIAO Yuan-yuan. A Comparative Study on the Coordinated Development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration based on Gravity Model. journal6, 2022, 21(3): 78-91.
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