Abstract:Corporate culture is crucial to corporate management. The research on Chinese corporate culture, despite of its progress, is confronted with a decline of the number of publications, low level of quantitative research, and weak international influence. This study systematically inspects and comprehensively analyzes research papers published by Chinese scholars during the 13th Five-Year Plan period on corporate culture, and makes evaluation on the future development of Chinese corporate culture research from aspects of content, context, method and influence. This paper summarizes the key directions where future research may make breakthroughs, such as the construction of Chinese-style management theory, the implementation of corporate culture, the integration of corporate culture with ideological and political work, the construction of corporate culture in the digital context, and the directions of research method innovation, such as deepening the case and quantitative research, and focusing on the integration of multidisciplinary methods.
刘刚, 唐寅, 殷建瓴. 中国企业文化研究现状与展望:基于“十三五”时期发表论文的梳理[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 21(3): 92-101.
LIU Gang, TANG Yin, YIN Jian-ling. Review and Outlook of Research on Chinese Corporate Culture: Based on Papers Published During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period. journal6, 2022, 21(3): 92-101.
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