Abstract:Based on the financial performance data of Chinese listed companies from 2006 to 2021, the relationship between urban rail transit construction, labor mobility and enterprise performance has been analyzed by using SD analysis method and time-varying DID model. The results show that the construction of urban rail transit can accelerate labor mobility and improve the overall performance of enterprises, but there are significant differences between the short and medium term influence mechanisms. While improving enterprise performance, rail transit construction obliges enterprises to add additional human capital investment to a certain extent in a certain period of time, and this influence shows a certain “polarization effect” in location. Therefore, enterprises should strengthen human capital investment, introduce talents and retain talents according to the trend of accelerated labor mobility, so as to promote the enterprise performance.
秦宇飞, 郭雪萌, 陈炳尧. 城市轨道交通建设、劳动力流动与企业绩效 ——基于中国上市公司财务绩效数据[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 23(2): 113-123.
QIN Yu-fei, GUO Xue-meng, CHEN Bing-yao. Urban Rail Transit Construction, Labor Mobility and Enterprise Performance: A case study of financial performance data of Chinese listed companies. journal6, 2024, 23(2): 113-123.
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