Domestic and Foreign Research Progress on Inland Ports and Research Prospect for Chinese Inland Ports: Based on CiteSpace Bibliometric Graphing Analysis
WANG Xi-fu1, MA Jun-chi3, YANG Kai2
1.School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China 2.School of Systems Science, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China 3.School of Transportation Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang Jiangxi 330013,China
Abstract:Based on WOS and CNKI databases and relying on CiteSpace visual bibliometric tools, we construct a knowledge map of research progress on inland ports, and then based on the analysis of evolution stage of the development of inland ports in China, we offer review and outlook of the research progress on inland ports. The study finds that domestic and foreign research on inland ports has developed rapidly in recent years, with an increasingly rich volume of research publications and constantly updated research hotspots. The focus and hotspots of current research are mainly on the connotation and extension of inland ports, container multimodal transportation network in the context of inland ports, and the mechanism of port-industry-city linkage for inland ports, with the research mainly oriented to the planning and construction stages of inland ports. However, in terms of the concept of inland port, the research that combines the clustering and industrialization characteristics of the development of inland ports in China is insufficient. In terms of multimodal transportation network of inland port, there is a lack of synergistic optimization of points, lines and surfaces for the selection of inland port sites, multimodal transportation channels, etc. In terms of the port-industry-city linkage mechanism, it is dominated by the empirical research on economic interaction, and there is a lack of research concerning different modes for establishing such linkages. Therefore, it is suggested that future research should focus on new issues such as enriching the new connotation of inland ports, constructing inland port multimodal transportation network, and expanding on the symbiotic evolution of inland ports, industries and cities so as to deepen the research on the inland port with the development of practice.
王喜富, 马骏驰, 杨凯. 国内外陆港研究进展与我国研究前景展望 ——基于CiteSpace知识图谱分析[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 23(2): 80-88.
WANG Xi-fu, MA Jun-chi, YANG Kai. Domestic and Foreign Research Progress on Inland Ports and Research Prospect for Chinese Inland Ports: Based on CiteSpace Bibliometric Graphing Analysis. journal6, 2024, 23(2): 80-88.
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