Abstract:This paper constructs the balance theory of internal and external benefits of high-speed railway, and explains the inevitability, necessity and realization path of the balance of internal and external benefits of high-speed railway. It draws the following conclusions: 1) the balance between internal and external benefits of HSR is an important aspects of sustainable development of high-speed rail, and more attention should be paid to the role of density economy as the key indicator; 2) the imbalance of internal and external benefits of high-speed railway is mainly caused by the diversity and incompatibility of the main goal of high-speed railway economic agents; 3) the balance of internal and external benefits of high-speed rail can be dynamically adjusted through the increase of demand for high-speed rail transportation, the breaking of economic and administrative monopoly, the introduction of competition, and the establishment of broad subsidy mechanism of responsible government. The research results have obvious significance for reducing the risk of infrastructure investment and supporting high-quality economic development.
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