摘要 创新生态系统作为推动创新的有效载体,越来越成为学术界和企业界重视的研究议题。通过梳理2006-2021年发表在Web of Science核心合集数据库中的文献,总结提炼出当前国外的研究热点主题:创新生态系统的内涵、特性与组成,创新生态系统的演化动力、过程与机制,以及创新生态系统的治理目标、主体与模式。在此基础上,提出基于复杂系统视角的创新生态系统网络关系与逻辑机制、基于动态能力视角的创新生态系统演化路径与机理、基于数字化情境的创新生态系统内参与主体关系是创新生态系统领域的重要研究方向。国外研究启示我们应基于文化、信任、非正式结构等中国管理情境进行创新生态系统治理研究。
Abstract:As an effective supporter to promote innovation, innovation ecosystem has increasingly become an important research topic in both academic and business community. By sorting out English literatures on innovation ecosystems included by the Web of Science core collection database between 2006 to 2021, the study finds that the following are current hotspot topic for innovation ecosystems research abroad: connotation, characteristics and composition, evolutionary motivation, process, mechanism and governance goal, and main subject and pattern. Moreover, it reveals that the emerging research directions for innovation ecosystem study are networking relationships and logic mechanisms of innovation ecosystem from complex system theory, evolution path and mechanism of innovation ecosystem from the perspective of dynamic capability, and relationships among innovation ecosystem entities in the context of digitalization. The future study should strengthen researches on innovation ecosystem governance based on Chinese governance context such as culture, trust, and informal institution.
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