Abstract:Industrial big data is a key production factor that supports the digital transformation of industries and promote the integration of digital and real economy. Compared with other types of data, industrial data is featured with stronger exclusivity, greater value, higher systematism and increased risk exposure, which, while enhancing its factor potential, have more constraints on its value creation mechanism. Data analysis of production equipment, industrial product, and industrial chain can effectively optimize asset performance, promote product development, and improve industrial chain coordination so as to enhance the potential for data value creation. However, the unique attributes of industrial data also pose challenges to value creation, such as unwillingness of enterprises to supply data, increased difficulty in technology for data collection and analysis, and undefined data application scenarios. At present, the ‘data space’ mode represented by EU’s IDS and Japan’s CIOF is a more feasible industrial data development mode, which can better meet the needs of data subjects for trusted security environment, technical standard support and application scenario optimization. To fully unleash the potential of China’s industrial big data, we can learn from the experience of relevant modes in Europe and Japan, focus on improving the strategic planning and management system of industrial big data, innovate the mode of circulation and service for industrial data, strengthen the data management and application capability of industrial enterprises, so as to accelerate the construction of industrial big data system and industrial ecosystem.
陈楠, 蔡跃洲. 工业大数据的属性特征、价值创造及开发模式[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, 22(3): 25-36.
CHEN Nan, CAI Yue-zhou. Characteristics, Value Creation and Development Mode of Industrial Big Data. journal6, 2023, 22(3): 25-36.
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