The Influence of Business Environment on Enterprise Digital Transformation: Facts and Mechanisms
SHI Yu-peng1,2, WANG Yang1
1.School of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China 2.China Center for Internet Economy Research, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract:The construction of the business environment and promotion of digital transformation of enterprises are two major tasks that governments at all levels in China are striving to promote. Based on the survey data of “Ten Thousand Private Enterprises Evaluate Business Environment”, this paper systematically examines the impact of business environment construction on the digital transformation of enterprises and its internal mechanism. The research results show that the improvement of the urban business environment can not only increase the probability of digital transformation of enterprises, but also enhance the depth of digital transformation; the promotion of business environment construction on the digital transformation of enterprises shows a dumbbell shape characterized by “big at both ends and small in the middle” due to the scale of enterprises. Moreover, depending on different industries and the profitability of enterprises, the impact of business environment construction on the digital transformation of enterprises varies greatly, however, it does not change depending on the regions where enterprises are located. Mechanism analysis shows that the improvement of the business environment can drive the digital transformation of enterprises by promoting enterprise innovation, reducing enterprise costs and improving their confidence in profit prospects. This research provides empirical evidence for an in-depth understanding of the dynamic mechanism of digital transformation of Chinese enterprises and how the government can strengthen the construction of business environment to promote digital transformation of enterprises.
史宇鹏, 王阳. 营商环境与企业数字化转型:影响表现与作用机制[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 21(2): 14-28.
SHI Yu-peng, WANG Yang. The Influence of Business Environment on Enterprise Digital Transformation: Facts and Mechanisms. journal6, 2022, 21(2): 14-28.
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