Abstract:This paper utilizes national input-output table data and employs the input-output method to construct an industrial positioning evaluation index system that includes eight indicators: the number of pulling industries, the number of pushing industries, the degree of industry-economy correlation, pulling capability, pushing capability, position in the industrial chain, economic contribution, and employment contribution. It proposes a correlation coefficient for determining the interaction intensity between the logistics industry and other sectors, clarifying the industrial positioning of the logistics sector within the national economy. The study shows that the logistics industry is the foundational industry, with its main costs stemming from the financial sector and the fuel processing industry, primarily serving the construction and chemical manufacturing industries. The paper suggests that in formulating logistics development plans, it is necessary to strengthen the forward pushing capability of the logistics industry and reduce the role of its backward pulling effect; when introducing logistics development policies, focus should be placed on promoting cost reduction and efficiency enhancement in main cost sources.
陈斌, 庞力文, 代聪. 中国物流业在国民经济中的产业定位分析[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 23(3): 105-113.
CHEN Bin, PANG Li-wen, DAI Cong. Analysis of the Industrial Positioning of China’s Logistics Industry in the National Economy. journal6, 2024, 23(3): 105-113.
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