Abstract:Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2001 to 2020, the super-efficiency SBM-DEA model is developed to measure the industrial green innovation efficiency of all provinces in China considering the unexpected output, and then a spatial Durbin model is constructed to analyze the impact of three environmental regulation tools on the efficiency of China’s industrial green innovation and its spatial spillover effects under the regulation of green credit. The results show that the efficiency of industrial green innovation in China still has a large space to improve, showing an obvious positive spatial correlation. The command-based environmental regulation can effectively improve the efficiency of green innovation in local industry, but has a negative impact on the efficiency of neighboring areas. The market-incentive environmental regulation has a restraining effect on the efficiency of local and adjacent industrial green innovation. The public-participation environmental regulations can effectively improve the efficiency of industrial green innovation in the local and neighboring regions. Under the moderating effect of green credit, the three types of environmental regulations all play a driving role in improving the efficiency of industrial green innovation. To improve China’s industrial green innovation efficiency, we should actively promote the green credit levels, give full play to the important role of different types of environmental regulation tools, attach importance to their optimal combination, and give full play to the spatial spillover effect of industrial green innovation activities so as to narrow the gap in terms of the level of industrial green innovation between regions in China.
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