Abstract:Logistics cluster is a complex economy entity formed by a large number of logistics enterprises and their associated enterprises gathering in a specific geographical area. Through mutual competition, cooperation, resource sharing and interactive innovation within these enterprises, logistics cluster constitutes a unique logistics industrial organization with multiple division of labor and cooperation, integrated logistics service functions and significant competitive advantages. Logistics cluster has become an important engine of economic development and a “chassis” supporting high-quality development. The rapid development and layout adjustment of logistics clusters have become the new trend of the layout adjustment of global industrial and supply chains. To promote the development of logistics clusters, China should attach great importance to its foundation and leading role in advancing high-quality economic development, governments at all levels should pay close attention to its development and take an active role, and logistics cluster should always take the improvement of infrastructure as the focus and core of its development, actively give full play to the driving role of large leading enterprises, value highly the cultivation and improvement of its knowledge innovation ability so as to promote its opening and development and accelerate the formation of new advantages in international competition.
王微. 物流集群发展的内在机理及其对经济发展的影响 ——基于国际实践的分析[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 21(4): 26-34.
WANG Wei. The Internal Mechanism of Logistics Cluster Development and its Impact on Economic Development. journal6, 2022, 21(4): 26-34.
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