Abstract:The cross-border M&As by multinational firms in emerging markets have attracted wide attention and become a hot research issue in international business field. This paper takes China’s A-share listed companies in recent ten years as the research object, and uses the Heckman two-stage model to empirically test the impact of total factor productivity on the dual margin of corporate cross-border M&As, and explore the moderating role of industrial agglomeration in relationships between total factor productivity and corporate cross-border M&As’ dual margins. The results show that the advantage of total factor productivity can expand the dual margin of corporate cross-border M&As, and no “productivity paradox” phenomenon exists in cross-border M&As in Chinese companies. Industrial agglomeration can regulate the positive correlation between total factor productivity and the dual margin of cross-border M&As. Further testing finds that the rate of change in total factor productivity will expand the dual margin of corporate cross-border M&As. Among them, technological progress has played a major role, and the contribution of changes in technological efficiency is slightly insufficient. Therefore, to improve the effect of cross-border M&As, Chinese enterprises should make a comprehensive and prudent assessment of their factor productivity level before implementing cross-border M&As. Enterprises should make full use of agglomeration conditions to transform industrial agglomeration advantages into their core competitiveness. The government should formulate corresponding policies to further promote enterprises to improve the level of total factor productivity and facilitate cross-border M&As.
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