Abstract:Using the survey data of Beijing and MNL model, this paper conducts an empirical analysis on the impact of travel restriction policy on residents’ choice of motor vehicle use from the aspect of travel choices, travel habits, and policy avoidance, and examines the reaction mechanism of residents to the restriction policy. The empirical study reveals the following findings: under the policy, residents’ travel choice results from the trade-off between implicit time value and travel habits; travel habits for motor vehicles and the number of vehicles that families own significantly affect residents’ travel choices from various levels; the restriction policy has significant heterogeneity effect on residents with different incomes.
周耀东, 李宛华, 孙昭昱. “尾号限行”政策对居民机动车出行选择的影响研究[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 21(2): 100-112.
ZHOU Yao-dong, LI Wan-hua, SUN Zhao-yu. Research on the Effect of Driving Restriction Policy on Residents’ Choice of Motor Vehicle Use. journal6, 2022, 21(2): 100-112.
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