Abstract:With the rapid development of urban rail transit systems and acceleration of self-reliant progress in science and technology in China, a series of newly emerging technologies and key equipment, represented by CBTC and FAO, have achieved complete autonomy, some of which even reached the world advanced level. As a result, independent innovation of urban rail transit systems in China has entered a new development phase characterized by “running side by side with its competitors” or even “taking the lead in race” worldwide. To better promote the independent innovation and fulfill the overall strategic leading role in science and technology, we should conduct research on independent innovation model for urban rail transit that is applicable to China’?s national condition and conforms to the characteristics of new era from the three aspects of “innovation principle, innovation path and innovation method”, and then on the basis of grasping the essential characteristics and innovation law of urban rail transit, design the extraction method for user demand that is oriented to operational scenarios and technology selection method based on maturity model, and finally put forward the independent innovation development path with Chinese characteristics.
丁树奎. 城市轨道交通自主创新的路径和方法研究[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 21(2): 76-85.
DING Shu-kui. Research on the Path and Methodology of Independent Innovation of Urban Rail Transit. journal6, 2022, 21(2): 76-85.
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