On the Operation Mechanism of Patent Navigation for Universities from the Perspective of Organizational Structure Theory: A Multi-case Study
ZHANG Ling-yu1, ZHOU Jing1, WANG Xinb, JIA Hong-jun3
1.a School of Economics and Management b.Institute of Science and Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China 2.Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property, Tongji University, Shanghai 200082, China.
Abstract:Taking Mintzberg’s organizational structure theory as analysis framework, this paper examines the structural elements and operating mechanisms of patent navigation for universities in four case universities. The study found that the patent navigation of all the case universities was currently driven by the strategic high-level management and provided the operation core service through the middle line based on the existing intellectual property management system with the cooperation and support of the technical structure and supporting structure. Additionally, the case universities presented heterogeneity in the strategic high-level management, in specific, the intellectual property leadership team of different universities selected different department heads to join in, such as the head of the audit department, the graduate school, and the president’s office, which reflected different tendencies in intellectual property management decisions. The intellectual property management operations of the case universities were heterogeneous in terms of technical structure, which can be summarized into three types: operation-oriented, management-operation collaborative, and management-operation integrated. The paper suggests that in order to explore a path for patent navigation that adapts to the development of each university, university administrators should increase their emphasis on patent navigation and designate a project coordinator dedicated to coordinate patent navigation projects to ensure the balance among numerous administrators in the matrix structure; meanwhile, scientific researchers should change their inherent cognition, fully and deeply understand patent navigation, and effectively integrate it into scientific research.
张凌宇, 周静, 王欣, 贾宏君. 基于组织结构理论的高校专利导航运行机制研究[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 23(3): 149-160.
ZHANG Ling-yu, ZHOU Jing, WANG Xin, JIA Hong-jun. On the Operation Mechanism of Patent Navigation for Universities from the Perspective of Organizational Structure Theory: A Multi-case Study. journal6, 2024, 23(3): 149-160.
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