Network Public Opinion Crisis and Its Governance in Public Health Emergencies
ZHANG Xiao-rong1, GUO Zhen-ning2
1.School of Humanities and International Education Exchange, Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei Anhui 230012,China 2.College of Medical Economical Management, Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei Anhui 230012,China
Abstract:Internet public opinion runs through the entire process of public health emergencies. The derivation and diversity of the event itself are superimposed on the anonymity and ubiquity of cyberspace, which can easily lead to online public opinion crisis. The public opinion crisis of public health emergencies has a wide range of social hazards, which lead to public panic, secondary public opinion disasters, and may also induce mass incidents. The difficulties and crux of public opinion governance are reflected in health education, mainstream ideology maintenance, network supervision and government credibility maintenance. In terms of generative motivation, social conflict and risks of reality provide the fundamental motivation for public opinion crisis, the development of events and subject behavior provide the direct motivation for public opinion crisis, and the rapid development of new media platforms provides an amplification effect for public opinion crisis. In order to eliminate public opinion crisis and maintain a clear and healthy network, the government should optimize monitoring and early warning, improve public opinion response guidance, improve public opinion emergency response, and establish a public opinion information disclosure system to build a long-term governance mechanism for public opinion on public health emergencies.
张筱荣, 郭圳凝. 突发公共卫生事件网络舆情危机及其治理[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, 22(2): 133-140.
ZHANG Xiao-rong, GUO Zhen-ning. Network Public Opinion Crisis and Its Governance in Public Health Emergencies. journal6, 2023, 22(2): 133-140.
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