Research on the Influencing Factors of Poverty Reduction Efficiency of Logistics in Underdeveloped Regions of China
JI Xiao-feng1,2,3, LI Ming-jun1,2,3, CHEN Fang2,3,4, ZONG Xiao-qing1,2,3
1.Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming Yunnan 650504, China 2.Yunnan Modern Logistics Engineering Research Center, Kunming Yunnan 650504, China 3.Yunnan Integrated Transport Development and Regional Logistics Management Think Tank, Kunming Yunnan 650504, China 4.School of Marxism, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming Yunnan 650504, China
Abstract:The improvement of logistics poverty reduction efficiency is the practical demand for the development of logistics industry under the rural revitalization strategy. Based on the panel data of 19 underdeveloped provinces in China from 2013 to 2020, this paper determined the evaluation index of logistics poverty reduction efficiency through improved principal component analysis method, and used the super-efficiency SBM model to evaluate the poverty reduction efficiency and classify the samples. Then, a spatial-temporal geographic weighted model was constructed to obtain the external influencing factors of logistics poverty reduction efficiency. The results show that the underdeveloped provinces exhibit significant differences in the decomposition of logistics poverty reduction efficiency, and can be divided into four types: growth type, potential type, insufficient demand type and limited capacity type. Growth-type underdeveloped provinces are strongly affected by human capital, information openness, while potential-type underdeveloped provinces by logistics scale, regional policy, and information openness; as for insufficient demand type and limited capacity type underdeveloped provinces, besides the scale of logistics and logistics technology, they are greatly influenced by regional policy and information openness respectively. Therefore, different development strategies are proposed based on the characteristics of different types of underdeveloped provinces. In specific, growth-type underdeveloped provinces should actively promote the combination of education and logistics; Potential type underdeveloped provinces should pay more attention to the influence of logistics investment scale. Underdeveloped provinces with insufficient demand need to face up to the low efficiency of short-term logistics poverty reduction caused by the lack of effective embodiment of logistics leadership; Underdeveloped provinces with limited capacity should promote the construction of modern logistics network system and play a leading role in logistics information exchange, logistics technology communication and logistics economic cooperation.
戢晓峰, 李明骏, 陈方, 宗晓庆. 中国欠发达地区物流减贫效率影响因素研究[J]. 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, 22(2): 80-89.
JI Xiao-feng, LI Ming-jun, CHEN Fang, ZONG Xiao-qing. Research on the Influencing Factors of Poverty Reduction Efficiency of Logistics in Underdeveloped Regions of China. journal6, 2023, 22(2): 80-89.
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